Love these people more than words can say! We’ve grown from just 7 of us to 23 over the last 20 years! We have so much to be thankful for! I’ll forever be thankful to God for the way He has brought our 2 families together & created this!
Also, full disclaimer… I have to admit, it was super stressful picking out outfits!! I have so much more empathy for my clients after planning our outfits this session! I picked the green, and we were all a little unsure of it as we started to look for something green for our families to wear! But I think it turned out pretty great! 🙂 Also, it’s not easy setting up a tripod & getting photos of 23 people, but I have to say, as my sister, Lanai reminded me during our session, family pictures are ALWAYS worth it in the end!
Happy 20th Anniversary, Mom & Steve! So very grateful God has given you each other! And Happy Birthday today, Mom! Beyond thankful God made you! Love each & everyone one of you to the moon and back!
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