I loved meeting the Perdiew family! Kristin reached out to me several months ago to plan a family session in honor of their parents’ (Tom & Nancy’s) 40th wedding anniversary coming up in December! What a thoughtful gift to give your parents! And not only did they think of such a meaningful gift, but Kristin & Ben, as well as Tom & Nancy, made a 2 hour drive to Fort Harrison State Park in Indianapolis to meet Kristin’s brother Jeff & his family, so that they wouldn’t have to drive to them with their two boys! Even though I only got to spend an hour with them, I could tell from our conversations and they way they all interacted, that they are such a thoughtful, selfless family. And Tom & Nancy are just as in love as ever, after 40 years of marriage!
Congratulations, Tom & Nancy! Modeling 40 years of a loving marriage is one of the very best gifts you could pass on to your family, and I know they are all so blessed by you & your example! And Jeff & Nora, you have such a sweet family! Griffin & Phoenix are precious! Love all the smiles we captured of your boys! And finally, Ben & Kristin, you are an adorable couple, and I wish you all the best! Thank you for the opportunity to serve your very kind family! It was a pleasure!
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