“First 48” sessions truly may be my new favorite!! And when it’s your brother & sister-in-law having your niece, it’s EXTRA special! 🙂 Caroline Elisa made her entrance this past Sunday, 10.9.22, and we couldn’t be happier to add another cousin to our crew!
Plus, to make it even sweeter… Caroline is Baby #4 in their family! Landon & Jacquelyn have 3 precious boys that we all adore! So for Ashford, Henry & Thomas to get a SISTER is so special! Also, have you ever seen a more gorgeous momma, less than 48 hours after giving birth?!? And she’s not only stunningly beautiful on the outside… she has the BEST heart too! Caroline, you are one blessed girl to have your momma & daddy and 3 big brothers to love you & care for you!
Congratulations, Landon & Jacquelyn! Can’t believe you’re a family of 6!!! 🙂
Beautiful photos Erica!
And so is my Sweet Caroline 💕