When I look at these pictures and think about how we almost didn’t take them, I can’t believe I almost missed out on these sweet memories! All because of a bunch of little things that didn’t matter in the end… Like the fact that I forgot to bring my tripod to get a picture of all 5 of us together. Or the fact that I procrastinated taking them until the end of our vacation, which ended up being our last night there, since we decided at the last minute to drive through the night so that we could make it to our middle son’s Regional Cross Country meet the next morning.
I was ready to just skip family pictures… But my sweet husband knows me too well and assured me I’d regret that decision and got us all out there. 🙂 I told him we’d just get everything except for a photo of all of us together… But while I was taking the kids’ pictures, he was asking the only other people out there at the time if one of them would be willing to come take a couple pictures for us. And the sweetest woman came and took our family pictures! I was so so grateful!
And we had so much fun taking these! The kids were so sweet, playing along with my games. We laughed a lot, and we got it all done in probably 20 minutes! And then we ran back into the condo, packed up, and started our drive home through the night… Which was so worth that last minute decision, because Caleb did so well & got his PR that day! But mostly, he was just thankful to finish off the season with his team.
I share all of this to remind myself, and anyone who took the time to read this… to not let the little things that can go wrong in life keep you from the big things that really matter. I can’t believe I almost missed out on these sweet memories, just because I forgot my tripod! So thankful for a husband who knows me, loves me, and made these happen! And kids that let me take a million pictures of them!
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