This senior session with Anna was an extra special one for me, because Anna is my niece! And there are so many things about this session that reminded me that things don’t always have to always go perfectly as planned to be beautiful! For one, the Saturday morning of her session started off as a gloomy one with not just rain, but a morning full of thunderstorms… I was thinking we were going to have to reschedule for sure, but it turned out to be a BEAUTIFUL, sunny evening for her session! We were both so thankful!
Also, this session reminded me of one of my favorite things about photography… which is connecting with people & getting to love & serve them! In our family, we’ve pretty much eliminated the label of “step-sibling” from our vocabulary. But Anna is my step-sister’s step-daughter… So between living in different towns and having two families to split time between… The truth is, I haven’t gotten to spend that much time with Anna as she has grown up into the beautiful young woman she is today. And on top of that, as Anna puts it, she’s a more “one-on-one” type of person. 🙂 So being that there are 22 of us when we’re all together, I just haven’t had the chance to get to know Anna like I wish I could have the past several years…. But for her senior photos, it was just myself & Anna for a few solid hours! So we got lots of one-on-one time in! 🙂 I got to see her and connect with her in a way that I’ve just never had the chance to before!
Anna, you are so sweet and easy-going and fun to be around! And you are BEAUTIFUL!!! I’m so thankful for this time we had together before you left for college the NEXT DAY!!! (Yes, we took these the NIGHT BEFORE she left for college!!! Another thing that served as a reminder to me that life doesn’t have to go perfectly planned to be beautiful!)
Side note: If you’re reading this & thinking it’s too late to get photos taken, because…. fill in the blank….. your kids are already past a certain stage, or maybe you never had engagement photos taken, or maybe you’ve waited until the last minute to get something special in your life photographed… Let this serve as a reminder that it’s better late than never to capture whatever season of life you’re in! 🙂
I’m so thankful we didn’t let the weather (or the fact that we were getting this in at truly the very last minute! 😉 ) stop us from getting these amazing photos, Anna! Praying for you as you venture out into this world and that your time at the University of Kentucky is a time of growth & the start to a bright future for you!!! Love you!
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